Infarto miocardico stent

Lo studio CADILLAC ( Controlled Abciximab and Device Investigation to Lower Late Angioplasty Complications ) ha confrontato la PTCA...

Nello studio STOPAMI-2 (Stent versus Thrombolysis for Occluted Coronary Arteries in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction) sono stati messi...

Lo studio CADILLAC ( Controlled Abciximab and Device Investigation to Lower Late Angioplasty Complications ) ha confrontato la PTCA...

Nello studio STOPAMI-2 (Stent versus Thrombolysis for Occluted Coronary Arteries in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction) sono stati messi...

L’obiettivo dello studio STOP-AMI ( Stent versus Thrombolysis for Occluded coronary arteries in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction) era...